Our Origin Story

Our story began about about 8 years ago when our son said "I want to save the frogs." Since that day, Justin's Frog Project was born and our lives were forever changed. From conserving wetlands in Los Angeles to protecting over 100 acres of rainforest in Ecuador, we saved the homes of frogs and tons of other animals. Inspired by Jane Goodall, our conservation projects and ideas grew and grew. And soon thereafter, The Parallel Projects was born where we worked with others to bring awareness and to solve the global waste and plastic pollution crisis.
We have had the fortune and honor to work with incredible people, nonprofits, and companies all around the world aligned with the goals of protecting and conserving our planet - so that we can all enjoy this wonderful world.
And from all of this, Recreate World was built to recognize the companies that innovate and create products that are sustainable and inspire us to go outside, and to support the growth and expansion of Justin's Frog Project, The Parallel Projects, and our nonprofit partners. Recreate World will donate 2% of our sales to these projects and organizations.